Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Plain Facts

June 27/2012
It's funny we have been planning our next adventure to the East Coast and I realized I hadn't summarized our last fall to spring excursion.   The rough data was put together but missed the blog.... so here we go.   It's definitely interesting for those RV'ers or any thinking of going on the road.
Total Motorhome Mileage = 5,964 miles
Longest day = 510 miles  Shortest day = 82 miles  Our comfortable average day we like to drive = 250 to 320 miles
Total Motorcycle Mileage =  6,670 miles  (enough to warrant new front and back tire and full mtce when we got home)
$'s spent on Diesel Fuel = $2510 usf   = 10 miles to the gallon :) we are very happy with that  since we weigh 32,800 lbs.
Fuel prices in US increased $.36 per gallon in the 6 months.  Some states were as low as $3.73 in the fall and on the way home as high as $4.17. 
Camping Fees = $3761 = an average of $25.41 usf per night
In US for 148 days total; Oct 26 to Apr 13.  In a 12 month timeframe the US allows you to stay 6 months or 180 days.  OHIP allows you to be out of the province each calendar year for 212 days.  So this will allow us to visit a bit in the summer  on the US side, 32 days.
We flew home Dec 8 to Jan 4.  This worked out great since were we able to refresh our out of country medical plan and start over at day one when we flew back in January.   Eventually we did run out and had to buy top up insurance that had forms necessary from the Dr. for Billy's heart condition~ we were just happy they came back for full coverage and no exclusions.   $612 for Billy + $94 for Rosey.   An average of free + cost is $4.77 per day and definitely equals peace of mind for coverage of $5,000,000.00 for each of us.

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