Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Night Sky

Dec 22/2017   The day was normal here in the Valley but the night was something else. 

TV News shots of the sky over Peoria, North West Phoenix Valley
Nearly 500 miles away in Santa Barbara California at Vandenberg Air Force Base the launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket took off .  500 miles away and yet it could be seen in California, Arizona and parts of New Mexico!!! 
Just before 6:30 pm in Arizona you could see the engine cut off and the stage separation with the engine burn underway.  Less than 10 minutes after that, the second stage engines cut off and the satellites went into coast phase.  According to SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket delivered 10 satellites to low-Earth orbit for Iridium NEXT, a company focused on data satellite communications.   The reason we saw it Arizona is because the sun had not set yet in California and we could see the contrail higher in the atmosphere reflecting the sun's light.....  Amazing.  We have no photography capable of these shots, all came from the local TV stations. 

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