Thursday, February 28, 2019

Fredericksburg's Past

Feb 26/2019  Weather 74/54 and out came the sun in full.  It felt hot!    We met motorcycle friends from Kerrville today.  The gang rode over for lunch and it was fun to catch up with them.  Once again "out for lunch".  We ride to eat!  First stop was an old Sinclair gas station turned bar/restaurant/bikers hangout.  Looked like a cool place but no burgers till the weekend, so back into Fredericksburg town we went for a burger at  Tubby's Burgers on the patio.
After Dave & Bev, Dan and Larry headed back to Kerrville we stopped at 2 very prominent historical buildings.  Built by the Germans that came to settle in Fredericksburg back in the 1800's.  
Pecan Grove Ice House

Each time we ride by the Library I mention to Billy "we need to stop there".  It was originally the courthouse and community center on the second floor.  The limestone structure has ornate  gingerbread details attached to the windows, roof line, doorways and railings.  It is beautiful.  Now inside it is obviously like most libraries it is full of books and the librarian asked us to take a walk upstairs and see the 5' x 9' tapestry on the wall.  Stunning hand craftsmanship.   It depicts "Our Town" using creative stitchery, hooking, applique, collage, hand weaving and crewel embroidery.   It commemorates all the historic sites in Fredericksburg and the area.  
Public Library (old courthouse)

beautiful old door knob on the front library door

"Our Town" handmade tapestry on the 2nd floor of the library

take your time and look closely at the detail "in" the tapestry, Amazing craftsmanship
Across from the Library is the town's most iconic structure "The Vereins Kirche".  It was built soon after the first German settlers arrived in the 1800's.  It was located directly in the middle of town with a road on each side.  This building standing now is a replica and the main street no longer has the split lane downtown.  It was the first public building used by all for a town hall, school, fort and church of all denominations.  Known as "Society's Church".  
Vereins Kirche - Society's Church

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