Saturday, April 14, 2018

All But Lost Arts

April 11/2018  Today was a full day of events, first Magnolia Market, then Dr. Pepper and now just a couple of miles away from our  I35 RV Park a sustainable agrarian christian village.  Tip:  you will not find this village in the Waco Visitors Guide, we happened to have it in a Needlework Directory!  At the entrance there is a General Store and BBQ.  Continue all the way into the Village area parking and start walking the guided trails to the different buildings.
Each building is this quaint and beautiful
What kind of village is that?  Homestead Heritage Craft Village is set on over 500 acres of land where a Anabaptist community is based to live and dedicate their lives to recapturing and preserving the knowledge and skills for essential human needs.  Spiritually and Socially.  These craftsmen were so friendly and quiet.  There was no mention of anything religious.  We had to do some research to find out about the community beliefs.
the real corn brooms
So what is 'agrarian'?  Well it is any society whose economy is based on producing and maintaining crops and farmland.  I guess simply living off the land and their arts make them able to sustain without technology.
What is the meaning of 'Anabaptist' ?   Historically the Brethren grew from the  German Protestant Radical Reformations in the 16th century - today these communities are commonly known as Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites.  Baptism is given to only those who are adult and old enough to commit themselves to the way of life, thus no baptisms are performed on infants and children.
When visiting the Homestead Heritage Village we were impressed with the beauty, simpleness, care and knowledge.  From what we could gather approximately 50 families and under a 1000 people live in this community.
The community provide teachers for the "all but lost arts".
blacksmith at work
Public are welcome to take classes for a fee.  Impressively it provides a Gristmill, Pottery, Fiber Crafts - Spinning - Weaving - Knitting - Sewing, Black Smith, Woodworking, Homesteading & Garden - Bee Keeping - Animal Raising - Fruit - Poultry - Culinary Herbs, Kitchen & Homemaking - Baking Breads - Cheese Making - Soap Making - Canning, Basket Weaving.
working on a weaving loom
pottery for sale
We took the time to wander into each building and watch people at work in their discipline.  Everything is available to purchase as you go along or a final stop in the Barn or Cafe Homestead give you a chance to find something special made  by hand.  Give yourself several hours to see all the buildings and enjoy some home cooking.
Cost of the courses is interesting.  Really learning a skill is priceless.  You will use it over and over again, even being able to pass the art on to your children, friends and other family.  If you do any hobbies or crafts you will also know the value of creating and crafting; it is personally rewarding.
Here are some examples of the classes:
Beekeeping $120
Soft Cheese Making $135
Blacksmithing 1 $135
Sewing 3 day Beginners $490
Knitting Mittens $80
Floor Loom Weaving Beginners $165
Woodworking Blanket Chest 6 day $1440
Woodworking Build a Guitar from Scratch 17 day $3200
and so much more available.
Truly a Treasure Trove of Skills.
hand made soaps in the Barn

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