Monday, October 22, 2018

It's that Time

October 22/2018  Weather ~ time to head south weather... we had frost in Southwestern Ontario 3 times last week and most days are grey, windy and high 40's which is cold for us.  Today was a sunny day, high of 62 in Dayton, Ohio with a clear night and low of 37.    
Good travel day.    Toledo is still messy with construction so we were advised to take I94 to 23 to 475 to I75 to avoid it.  Driving was great, maybe a bit longer but no construction zones.    We were wondering about the border crossing too, which turned out to be a breeze.  Nicest officer we have ever met.  So there you go.  
Our friends told us that Dayton had a nice KOA and we thought maybe we would actually drive farther than our normal day ..... yes the 2:30 club or 230 mile club.  We went 292 miles and stopped at 3:30!!!
The Dayton KOA is a huge park, and a good stop for the first day back on the road south and west.
Dayton KOA

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