August 17/2014 Weather is still warm, hot actually. High of 90 today low of 63. Elevation is only about 1100 feet and Kamloops is in a semi-desert area.
sides of the valley along Thomspon River |
The topography is stark and rocky with sage brush except next to the water where the small valley allows pasture and vegetables to be grown. Kamloops is a busy town, very long and narrow following the railroad, the Trans Canada Hwy and the Thompson River. Native Indians, fur traders, gold rush miners and loggers made this a busy way station/post in the 1800's via the trail north.
coming back on the Westsyde road |
Ooops Kamloops is our nickname since we are not that enamoured with this area,,, it's hard to find motorcycle roads that are not also the primary highways. An maybe because we left some of the most beautiful scenery in Canada behind last week. We did take a motorcycle ride north along the Thompson River and saw 2 black bear wandering around the tall grass and an eagle tearing apart his fresh salmon caught for lunch. Scouts honor on this, the road was too busy with traffic to stop so we did not get any pictures!
isn't it barren and dry looking? |
The highway from Kamloops north will eventually take you up to Prince George and then on to Alaska. That will be another trip some day:)
McClure Ferry, about 330 feet across the river |
We did take advantage of a quaint old way of transportation that exists in BC, a ferry that held 2 cars and was powered by the movement of the current only. The operator told us there are only about 5 of these antiquated style
ferries left in BC.
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