August 27/2014 Weather 85 hot and sunny, night 60 but a fall change is forecasted for the long weekend.
When we paid for our camping at the office at Wild Rose Campground in Hope, we noticed a small sign that said fresh Sockeye Salmon Steaks $3.00. Later that day we went back to see what exactly the deal was. Ok when we get a salmon steak at home in Ontario it's usually Atlantic Salmon which is not as good tasting as Pacific and the steaks are about 1 inch thick and expensive. So we thought lets get a couple and have them on the BBQ. OMG. check these out!!!!
fresh today and 4 inches thick |
Little did we remember that Pacific Salmon spawn in the fall season so the fish are just starting to run. All the lakes and rivers and creeks within the next few weeks will be covered with fish. Jumping and making their way back to the place they were actually born. Isn't that amazing? Salmon are hatched in fresh water and live in the rivers till they are 2 years old then make their way to the ocean for the next 2 years and return on their 4th year back to the exact spot they were born. Scientists believe they are guided largely by smell to find their way.
on the porch at the local general store |
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