Friday, September 19, 2014

Hoodwinked in Hood River, Columbia River Gorge Ride

Sept 17/2014   Weather  70's today, sun can't seem to break out of the smoke covered sky.  night 58.
We took a loop ride along the Columbia River Gorge today heading east on I84 to Hood River then crossed the bridge to the Hwy 14 in Washington and back to Cascade Locks, Oregon.   
Billy had the French toast with Whipped Cream, Rosey the Dungeness Crab Omelet

In Hood River we found a great diner Bette's Place to have a late breakfast which is how I hoodwinked Billy (he will do anything for French toast and whip cream) into my stop at another quilt shop.  Finishing our meals I mentioned a walk around the block so I could pop into the local quilt shop.

Oh oh,,, guess I was a little too long in the quilt shop
Actually we found Hood River to have a neat downtown, lots of little outdoor stores, boutiques, coffee shops, restaurants and micro breweries.

Apartment building with the main door open, How quaint?
Nice ride back along the gorge ....
scenic hwy 14 right on the gorge

and across the bridge to Cascade Locks. 
Bridge of the gods

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